Le Monde du Multicoque by Voile Magazine

L’histoire d’une renaissance: A l’occasion du championnat du monde de Va’a Ta’ie Holopuni, l’histoire athlétique mais aussi culturelle, identitaire et quasi religieuse de cette pratique ancestrale. Cliquez sur l’image à gauche pour lire l’article.

N°12 Juin-juillet-août 2020
Texte et photos de Pascal Allain

2020 publication in French sailing magazine “Le Monde du Multicoque” recounting the 10th annual Holopuni Va’a Hawaiki Nui Voyage and 1st Holopuni World Championship. Click on image to left to read here.

Au son de la guitare et du ukulele, les équipages sont mélangés : Tahitiens, Hawaïens... Je ressens alors l’énergie et la force d’un groupe soudé, totalement tourné vers la nature et dont le va’a est devenu le support d’un art de vivre associant sport, convivialité, aventure, spiritualité et culture du Pacifique. L’Hawaiki Nui en Holopuni est avant tout un voyage.
— Pascal Allain


Outrigger Odyssey: The 350-kilometer Holopuni Va‘a takes paddlers from Tahiti to Bora Bora and into Polynesian canoe racing's ancient past

April/May 2019

By Catharine Lo Griffin

Photos by Hayden Ramler

It’s such a different perspective to see the islands from the ocean, to travel to them the way they were discovered. If you fly in on a plane, you’re just there and it’s overwhelming. But when you paddle and sail for hours, people welcome you, and you feel good about being there
— Hobey Beck


The Cleanest Line: A Thirty-Five-Year Voyage Back In Time

February 23, 2018
By Nick Beck

When we crossed the Kaua‘i Channel in 1981, it was the first time in recent history the crossing was made in a sailing outrigger. We did it mostly at night, guided by the stars, the moon and the wind.
— Nick Beck

The Magazine Rack

Holopuni Cover Shot Outrigger Canoe Club Magazine

Holopuni Cover Shot Outrigger Canoe Club Magazine

Holopuni Cover Shot Kauai Magazine

Holopuni Cover Shot Kauai Magazine

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